2016 Eco Workshop #1


Jan 17th 2016 – Sunday – 7:00 am to Jan 31st 2016 Sunday – 2:00 pm


Sapna Ranch, Terdi Village, Soveli Post, Mandangad, Maharashtra 415203

Mobile contacts: Hasmukh 9552689001

Tentative Agenda

Possible projects

  1. Install Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) with Arduino/RPi based monitor for measuring wind direction & speed, voltage, current in time series.

  2. Install 320 watt PV panel with controller and Battery for Geometry dome and take Geometry dome off the grid.

  3. Build pedal powered washing machine.

  4. Build ver. 2.0 of solar fruit & vegetable dryer. This will be the first attempt to take a design commercial. Part of the sustainability experiment.

  5. Install solar PV cell powered Ardiino/RPi servo controllers on Parabolic Solar cooker to make it move with the Sun.

The highlight being celebration of the 6th anniversary of Sapna Ranch with the viewing of the stars with an 8 inch telescope on Jan. 26th.

Who can participate

Any kid in the age group of 4 to 94.

For more information click here........

